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French Drains, Vapor Barriers & CL-100 Inspections

Don't Fret, Call Brett!

Bonded and Insured

In addition to the area’s best IPM pest control and management, Brett’s Pest Control offers a range of professional services designed to keep your home protected from excess moisture, termite damage, and more. Call us today at (803) 345-0600 to make an appointment!

French Drains

Prevent damage caused from standing water in your home’s crawlspaces with professional French Drain installation services from Brett’s Pest Control. We manage your excess water problem by digging trenches fitted with piping, gravel, for some jobs, a sump pump to drain and redirect the water.

Call us today!
(803) 345-0600

Vapor Barriers

Vapor barriers, or “moisture barriers”, protect your home or business from structural damage caused by excess condensation, weakening beams and supports and attracting destructive pests such as termites. This treatment utilizes plastic sheeting to diffuse moisture, keeping your supports dry, strong, and unattractive to pests. Vapor barrier treatments performed on older homes will need to be applied in stages, reducing moisture slowly to prevent any further damage, including cracks caused by sudden dryness.

Call us today!
(803) 345-0600
moisture barrier
Brett's Pest Control at Work

CL-100 Inspections

The CL-100, otherwise known as the South Carolina Wood Infestation Report, is a lending institute-required document for all mortgage purchases on homes. Our certified professionals inspect the property for signs of pests and flaws, including termites and excess moisture, that may cause damage to the property’s wooden features, crawlspace, and supports. This report lists the condition of the house at the time of the inspection. Please refer to Clemson University Department of Pesticide Regulation‘s “Understanding Your Wood Infestation Report” for more information.

What May Show Up on a CL-100:

Termite Damange
Staining on foundation wall
Termite Damange
Leak (Water Damage)
Termite Damange
Termite Damange
Need an Inspection? Don't Frett! Call Brett!
(803) 345-0600
Brett's Pest Control



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